Toni V. Genov

(Coming soon) My talk with indie filmmaker ‎@ToniVGenov  will be on my channel later this week!

Man Lives in the Iron Age

Startup Weekend Aalborg 2015 | AFTERMOVIE

Startup Weekend Aalborg 2017 | AFTERMOVIE

LONG LINE DOWN [Live Teaser]


Lasse Vestergaard - 'Sommerhus' (Official Video)

2088 | A short thriller/sci-fi film | Youtube Review and Reaction

How Movie Trailers Manipulate You

Stranger Things - The Truth About Creativity

Tilen Genov: Delfini v Tržaškem zalivu

Why Movies Become Holiday Classics

We Are Making a Short Film? | NMOTF 12

Stories From a 100 Year Old Film Magazine

This Newspaper is Everywhere #shorts #film #movie

The First 3D Feature Film #shorts #film

HUN SOLO @ Hotel Cecil 8. marts 2018 - Den Internationale Kvindedag

Тони Стораро

Učenci in mentorji OŠ dr. Mihajla Rostoharja Krško - Splet folklornih (v živo)

How Movies Trick Your Brain

The Ultimate Movie Trivia Quiz | NMOTF 15

Тони Дачева и Найден Милков - Ако сълза си (2003)

The Famous Director Who Doesn't Actually Exist

Someone Sent Me Fan Mail (With Film Stuff)